Light Commercial Inspections
Before You Buy Commercial Property, Call Advantage Home Inspection For A Light Commercial Inspection.
To help avoid costly problems, most seek the advice of qualified professionals such as brokers, appraisers and attorneys. But who will advise you regarding the potential hidden structural problems that may exist in your building?
We offer a comprehensive professional service for the sole purpose of giving the answers to you before you purchase a commercial property.
Here's What We Do
Light commercial inspections are a general overview of all major systems and components present in the building including the structure, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, exterior and interior (similar to the complete home inspection). We follow the ASTM Standards 2018-01, also known as the Property Condition Assessment or PCA. Light commercial inspections include low-rise office complexes, apartment complexes, investment properties, restaurants, warehouses, churches, and other types of buildings.
Want the quality assurance that your commercial construction project is flawless every step of the way, then you’ll need someone to look into your building between every construction phase to check for any faults and to recommend the best repair options if needed.
Whether your requirement for timely information on the condition of your property is doing “due diligence” or for capital renewal planning, we deliver meaningful reports.
Our building assessments include all major building systems. Reports include budget cost estimates and time frames for all major repairs and replacements.
The result is a company that has the technical know-how, but just as important, the ability to convey information concisely to the layperson.
There are several different types of Commercial Building Inspections:
• General Building Inspections
• Detailed Plumbing and Energy Reports
• Infrared and Thermal Image Scans
Commercial Systems Inspected:
• Foundations, Basements and Under floor
• Exteriors
• Roof System
• Plumbing System
• Electrical System
• Heating and Cooling system
• Fireplaces and Chimneys
• Building Interior
• Pools and Spas
The Commercial Inspection Report contains a visual assessment of the status of the building and property, certainly saying existing deficiencies and suggesting possible difficulties. The report is offered to the customer several days prior to the review.
We pride ourselves on our high quality standards, practice, and ethical conduct with a personalized custom touch. You can contact us at (979) 848-7885 for further information.